

Start your own TV channel

Ayozat has a virtual conference platform, ConferenceZat, that allows companies, institutes and
organisations to run their conferences no matter what public restrictions are applied.
ConferenceZat is not just a conference platform on its own but can be run in conjunction with a live conference, enabling both physical attendees and virtual to interact and be part of a larger conference.

It is a real-time video and audio conference system that allow small or large groups of people to interact with each other, share their screens, gather into breakout rooms, have answer and questions sessions in their preferred formats. It is the way forward to communicate and participate with your colleagues in real-time from all over the world. You schedule the meetings, and we provide the platform, the connection, security and all the tech you need for it.

Conference setup (customization);
Broadcasting (to audience);
Interactive call rooms;
Conference admins;
Conference support;

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