
Our Story

AYOZAT’s story starts back at the close of the Kosovo war with AYOZAT’s visionary
founder, Umesh Perera



Umesh Perera, the founder and visionary behind AYOZAT’s origin is a mathematician and technologist with a passion for family and people. It’s from this foundation that he joined the NATO initiative while living in the UK to rebuild Kosovo following the destructive events in the late 1990s. Appearing next to Bill Gates and Frank Schott, Umesh was interviewed on ABC News about his contribution and involvement with the Kosovo war which had a profound impact on the course his life would later take.

As a serial inventor, Umesh developed the system alongside Microsoft that helped identify millions of refugees over a thousand square miles and facilitated them reuniting with their families. The system developed by Umesh and Microsoft was utilized in creating a National Insurance, Identity, and Tax systems, giving birth to the country of Kosovo.



This endeavor was the start of a close relationship with the British Army in the United Kingdom that continues today within AYOZAT. AYOZAT stands for the first initial of each of Umesh’s 6 children’s first names in age-order.

Today, AYOZAT is best defined as a media company for traditional TV and streaming OTT. That mold is very limiting though and after a closer look you would more quickly call it a multi-faceted technology company with wide ranging applications in media, data, analytics, blockchain, AI, and security. AYOZAT was started as a culmination of life events for Umesh and his forays into multiple technological and entrepreneurial fronts including security, finance, and gaming. He along with some key founding members including his oldest son Alexander, didn’t start with a background in media or television, but rather math and technology. In the beginning they simply sought to fix pain points they observed in some broadcasting events they had collaborated on in the esports space, signaling the formation of AYOZAT.


As the AYOZAT vision got under way, there was a lot of innovative tech designed in the early days, like proprietary compression IP, custom playout software, and a host of others. This opened the door for the AYOZAT-Encompass alliance, with Encompass being a top-5 global media distributor serving clients like Disney, Warner Brothers, Sky, Fox, and many other household names. This relationship was a key element to establish as it gave us the backing needed to enter the media space as a serious contender.

Within this relationship we acquired our own dedicated satellite hand-off points in every major geographic region worldwide and the incredibly sought after, invite-only, server rack space within Telehouse London, the main internet and media backbone terminal that passes data between Europe and North America and the heart of every major media brand like Sky, Fox, and CNN. This dedicated access allowed us to cut out every middleware provider and put our feeds directly to satellite uplink ingest, drastically lowering our latency. This ensured maximum performance within our native infrastructure.



As AYOZAT grew, we acquired our own supply-side-platform advertising software and customized it to our needs and made more strategic partnerships to expand our network capabilities, like gaining our own dedicated CDN with 54 points of presence worldwide.

On this path we sought to accelerate the development of assets and resources we could pull on in-house. This led to acquisition discussions that are in the process of finalizing now with solid assets and properties in the traditional broadcasting world.



Today, we offer white label OTT services, linear TV channel launches, TV compliance, satellite transmission compression, live to OTT channels, boarding VOD to our AYOZAT.com streaming platform, SSP digital advert serving to our site and partner sites, and now an advertising reward system based on the unfaultable ledger of blockchain and differentiated income potential that cryptocurrency provides cross-border for 1st world and 3rd world countries alike.

We’ve cultivated a trusted relationship with government entities across multiple jurisdictions, own one of the most robust floor-to-ceiling networks second only to tech giant’s like Google and Amazon, and now we’re building on that powerful foundation to build a product that showcases the true potential of how blockchain can change the way the world approaches the $350 billion advertising industry in a less invasive, safer, and equitable way.

Come join us for the ride!