Music fans earn song royalties after
UK company secures rights to
100,000 songs

Music fans earn royalties from songs, including MJ’s first-ever record featuring the Jackson 5, after the British company secured the rights to 100,000 songs in a £38 million deal – giving users the chance to own some classic hits.
Ayozat users can own 100,000 songs purchased in the £38 million deal
These include songs from the Bee Gees, Eminem, Snoop Dogg and Sex Pistols
Chairman Umesh Perera said it is an investment in music and cryptocurrency
Music fans can earn royalties from songs after a British music company secures the rights to 100,000 songs in a £38 million deal.
Media giant Ayozat has bought the copyright to a series of hits and the users will be given the option to partially own the songs.
The back catalog features Michael Jackson’s first-ever song with the Jackson 5 called “Big Boy,” which he recorded before the Mowtown legends hit a hit and will be featured in a new 2023 film about the band.
Other tracks included in Ayozat’s deal with entertainment copyright specialist Lumi AG include the Bee Gees, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Luciano Pavorotti and Sex Pistols.
The back catalog features Michael Jackson’s first-ever song with the Jackson 5 (above), called “Big Boy,” which he recorded before the Mowtown legends had a hit
A music source said: ‘This is a huge deal for music fans. It’s very rare to get the chance to invest in tracks from the world’s leading musicians.
“And since the early Jackson 5 songs will be exposed to a whole new audience next year, the chance to make big money through royalties is a real possibility.”
Ayozat users can purchase the rights to songs from the media company’s NFT proprietary platform.
NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) are digital assets, representing a real object, that are bought and sold online, often with cryptocurrency, and encrypted with the same software as many other cryptocurrencies.
The chance to make “a lot of money” from royalties is a “real possibility,” said a music source, as early Jackson 5 songs will be exposed to new audiences next year
Lumi AG had purchased early Jackson 5 material from South Chicago music studio Steeltown, which had been hired in 1968 by the band’s manager and father Joe Jackson for their very first recording sessions – a year before the family was discovered by Motown and transformed into worldwide superstars.
Users can purchase and own a share of the creative rights to the songs through a platform powered by QUID, a new cryptocurrency token from Ayozat subsidiary Linkquid.
Umesh Perera, Chairman of Ayozat, explained the revolutionary concept: “This new platform gives fans the opportunity to invest in music and cryptocurrency with the added security of prime assets.
‘NFTs will revolutionize the music world, to be the first to make such an offer is a proud moment for Ayozat.
Users can monetize bits of history – Jackson 5’s first-ever album, a treasure trove of gold undiscovered recordings from the world’s most famous acts, from the Sex Pistols to the Bee Gees to Pavarotti.
“We can’t wait to share the benefits of unreliable ownership with users around the world.
“As the copyrighted content continues to monetize — through synchronization, television, radio, advertising and other means — those royalties will be split between our NFT platform and the NFT owners.”
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